Awujale Names Highly Influential Bushura Alebiosu Council Of Otunbas Chairman

An influential member of the Lagos state Governance Advisory Council, GAC, Otunba Adedeji Bushura Alebiosu has been elevated as chairman Council of Otunbas by the Awujale of Ijebuland, His Royal Majesty, Oba Sikiru Kayode Adetona CFR, JP, Ogbagba Agbotewole II, following the demise of Otunba Wahab Osinusi.

Otunba Bushura Alebiosu popularly known as Bush of Africa, who is also the Otunba Gbelegbuwa of Ijebu land was chosen to fill the vacant position following the demise of the immediate past Chairman of the Council,Otunba Wahab Osinusi who died in September 2023.

The Council of Otunbas of Ijebuland is an assemblage of prominent and influential Otunbas in Ijebuland, a region in Ogun State, Nigeria. The council is involved in the promotion of cultural, social, and economic development of Ijebuland and its people.

The revered monarch while speaking on the selection of the new chairman said the choice of Otunba Bushura Alebiosu is a testament of his exceptional leadership prowess, integrity and his uncommon contributions to the socio- cultural and political development of Ijebu land.

Oba Adetona described Otunba Bushura-Alebiosuas an accomplished son of Ijebuland who has distinguished himself and possess profound capacity to effectively lead the influential Council of Otunbas to a higher pedestal.

Awujale however admonished the new Chairman to ensure that the collective values, ideals and goals of the council arestrictly upheldtowards theoverall upliftment of the good people of Ijebu and the society at large.

While expressing deep sense of responsibility and immense gratitude to the Awujale for finding him worthy of being elevatedas the council’s chairman, comprising of noble and distinguished Otunbas, Otunba Bushura Alebiosu pledged his firm commitment to lead the council with renewed vigour and carry all members along in the discharge of the sharedresponsibilities of promoting values and tradition of Ijebuland.

Otunba Adedeji Bushura Alebiosu is a well exposed and influential businessman cum politician. He started his early career as an Engineer in the United Kingdom, and after his return from the UK in 1967 he went into politics and became a Councilor in the then Somolu Local Government Area of Lagos State.

At the dawn of the civilian dispensation in 1979, Otunba Alebiosu pitched his tent with the Unity Party of Nigeria, UPN, and was elected as legislator to represent the then old Ketu constituency in the Lagos State House of Assembly and was re-elected in 1983, a post he held till the Buhari-Idiagbon coup in 1983.

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